Happy Lunar New Year
Happy Lunar New Year! What better way to celebrate the lunar new year than with the Moon Goddess?! I cannot help but think of two of my favorite moon goddesses from around the world: Hina, Hawaiian goddess of moon and rain, and Borghild, Norse goddess of moon and mist.
Whatever Moon Goddess you celebrate with, this is an intentional time to let go of the previous year, a time for reunion and rebirth. What intentions and hopes do you have for the new year? What do you want to let go of from last year? Consider doing this ritual to welcome the lunar new year under the new moon tonight:
New Moon and Lunar New Year Ritual
Bring paper, a pen, a large bowl, a cup of water, and a match or lighter outside tonight. Take a deep breath in the darkness of the new moon. Feel the cold air fill your lungs. Consider what you want to leave behind from the previous year. What do you need to let go of? Write these things down on your sheet of paper. Carefully light your paper on fire and place it in your large bowl. Mindfully watch the flame consume your paper, burning away all you’re leaving behind that no longer serves you. Take another deep breath. For safety, pour your cup of water into the bowl to put out the fire. Then take a few minutes to set your intentions for this new year. Take a deep breath of gratitude. With the Moon Goddess by your side, enter this new year with hope and gratitude!