Introducing Goddess of Justice
Lately I’ve been experimenting with drawing and painting anatomical hearts.
Y’all know that hearts are at the center of every woman and goddess I paint, but it’s usually the traditional heart. The kind you see in iconography or Valentine’s cards. The kind I dotted my i’s with in elementary school.
As I’ve marinated on the theme of COMMUNITY this month, though, I’ve thought about what bonds us together, what courses through our veins that connects and bonds us. When I ponder what bonds me closest with my chosen community, it’s our collective call to justice.
Naturally, this caused me to consider how JUSTICE pulses through our hearts. And ya just can’t see that pulse on a traditional painted heart.
So, pulsing through the heart of my newest painting is the justice that unites us in community. She is the Goddess of Justice and I’m absolutely in love with her.
The Goddess of Justice is the glue that holds our subversive sister saint community together.
She is with us when we rage after a 16-year-old boy, Ralph Yarl, is shot for absolutely no reason other than racism.
She is with us when we lament what Tennessee, or Florida, or Texas are legislating against trans, drag, and queer people.
And she is with us when we gather together in community to activate change.
This Goddess of Justice painting is 16x20 on canvas for $1,227; if you’re interested in bringing her to your home, simply respond to this email. As always, payment plans and prints are available, and I’m happy to cover the cost of shipping.
How does this Goddess of Justice abide with you and your community?