Women’s Spirituality Retreats on Hawai’i Island
Get the radical rejuvenation + spiritual sustenance you need to do your work in the world.
A retreat at Tehom is unlike other yoga or meditation retreats. There is no 5am wake up call. Our schedule focuses on self-care, creativity, and reflection. The retreats are great opportunities to be immersed in a gathering of like-minded, radical, spiritual women who get it. They’re about tending your spirit so that you can return to your life and your work rested, refueled, and galvanized. It’s radical self-care for collective liberation. Contact us at info@tehomcenter.org to plan your retreat.
Dive into our upcoming Queer Clergywomen Retreat.
Paint the Revolutionary Woman Within
Rev. Dr. Yarber’s Intentional Creative Process guides women to paint the revolutionary woman dwelling within. Each step of the painting process is accompanied by rituals, guided journaling, and embodied exercises aimed at dismantling unjust power structures, radical self-care, self-examination, and re-imagining a more just and beautiful world. In the end, you emerge refreshed, galvanized, and holding a painting of the revolutionary goddess within you!
Gather with other women in ceremony, ritual, and excursions
Eat delicious plant-based meals cooked by our specialty chefs
These stunning creations were cooked by the talented Anon Crystal Shine.